Give me £4,483 and I’ll install solar panels on my property. Give Energy Companies £4,483 and they’ll increase dividends.

The fastest way for me to reduce my electricity bill is to install solar panels on my roof. I can easily accomodate a 3KW system and I’ve costed the installContinue readingGive me £4,483 and I’ll install solar panels on my property. Give Energy Companies £4,483 and they’ll increase dividends.

The UK needs to reduce DEMAND for electricity and that means domestic solar panels, wind turbines and storage batteries

In UK, the energy supply companies are on the brink of bankruptcy. As prices rise, so demand drops and people cease paying their bills. There are already huge holes inContinue readingThe UK needs to reduce DEMAND for electricity and that means domestic solar panels, wind turbines and storage batteries

Instead of transferring hundreds of £billions to rich energy companies, how about using the cash to roll out solar panel installations to the poorest households

The solution to the UK’s energy crisis is not freezing the price cap. The poorest folk in Britain can be helped via the benefits system, that’s what it’s for. BenefitsContinue readingInstead of transferring hundreds of £billions to rich energy companies, how about using the cash to roll out solar panel installations to the poorest households

UK Energy Policy: We need nationalised energy supply, or solar panels on every rooftop in UK

From October, the cheapest electricity available in the UK will be 50p per KWh, a price dictated by Ofgem’s energy price cap. This is simply unaffordable for many millions ofContinue readingUK Energy Policy: We need nationalised energy supply, or solar panels on every rooftop in UK