Sunak’s swimming pool will cost a lot less to heat with an energy price freeze that poor folk will pay for

Wholesale energy prices are skyrocketing due to supply not keeping up with demand. Gazprom has choked gas supplies to Europe by 80% and that creates even more demand for gasContinue readingSunak’s swimming pool will cost a lot less to heat with an energy price freeze that poor folk will pay for

The Deficit Tariff Scheme is a total con by the energy companies. Will cost the taxpayer over £100 billion

The current energy price cap is £1,971 a year. Cornwall Insight has estimated that the energy price cap will rise to £4,266 in April 2023, then fall back to aroundContinue readingThe Deficit Tariff Scheme is a total con by the energy companies. Will cost the taxpayer over £100 billion

Sunak allowed £billions in QE then introduced the cash into the UK economy. How did he not know this causes inflation?

Rishi Sunak has spent weeks arguing that the biggest problem in the UK today is inflation, and, he is right on this matter. But he doesn’t ever mention the factContinue readingSunak allowed £billions in QE then introduced the cash into the UK economy. How did he not know this causes inflation?

EMERGENCY: We need a plan to FREEZE the unit cost of electricity and gas to domestic and business users

Last week, Liberal Democrat Leader, Ed Davey came up with a plan to freeze the unit price of gas and electricity paid by UK consumers, while Ex Prime Minister GordonContinue readingEMERGENCY: We need a plan to FREEZE the unit cost of electricity and gas to domestic and business users

UK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses

The UK Government already offers relief to help big business with their energy costs. They call these businesses “energy intensive industries”. They have just announced further measures to help theseContinue readingUK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses