Grant Shapps £2 bus fare cap across England to save passengers money doesn’t add up

This morning, Grant Shapps, Secretary of State for Transport just tweeted the good news… “I’m introducing a £2 cap on almost every single bus journey in England outside London –Continue readingGrant Shapps £2 bus fare cap across England to save passengers money doesn’t add up

The Cost of Living Crisis and The Energy Crisis is down to the Conservatives

The Conservatives led by David Cameron, achieved a majority in the 2015 General Election. They continued with their disasterous austerity policies which stripped £billions from local economies all over theContinue readingThe Cost of Living Crisis and The Energy Crisis is down to the Conservatives

Small Business energy is NOT capped, inflation WILL be 15% (or higher) and hundreds of thousands of businesses WILL go bust in the next few months

I’ve heard many, many politicians banging on about “freezing” energy prices, some want “nationalisation”, most blame “Putin”, but I have yet to hear any politician address the acute problems facingContinue readingSmall Business energy is NOT capped, inflation WILL be 15% (or higher) and hundreds of thousands of businesses WILL go bust in the next few months