MP’s should support the war against Putin by NOT claiming their energy bill payments on expenses

Boris Johnson the lovely man, says that UK citizens should “endure” the energy price rises to “counter Russian aggression”. That’s energy price rises of 54% in April 2022, 80% inContinue readingMP’s should support the war against Putin by NOT claiming their energy bill payments on expenses

The Cost of Living Crisis and The Energy Crisis is down to the Conservatives

The Conservatives led by David Cameron, achieved a majority in the 2015 General Election. They continued with their disasterous austerity policies which stripped £billions from local economies all over theContinue readingThe Cost of Living Crisis and The Energy Crisis is down to the Conservatives

4,000 Conservative Party Members want Boris Johnson on the ballot with Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak

Considering the polling of Conservative Party Members by YouGov consists of just 800 people, the petition signed by over 4,000 members of the Conservative Party demanding that Boris Johnson competeContinue reading4,000 Conservative Party Members want Boris Johnson on the ballot with Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak