Sunak allowed £billions in QE then introduced the cash into the UK economy. How did he not know this causes inflation?

Rishi Sunak has spent weeks arguing that the biggest problem in the UK today is inflation, and, he is right on this matter. But he doesn’t ever mention the factContinue readingSunak allowed £billions in QE then introduced the cash into the UK economy. How did he not know this causes inflation?

In June, Rishi Sunak borrowed £23 billion to pay £19 billion debt interest, a record for a single month

I’m watching with amazement as Rishi Sunak defends his record on the economy at various Conservative Party Member hustings. He talks as if he were the only one that canContinue readingIn June, Rishi Sunak borrowed £23 billion to pay £19 billion debt interest, a record for a single month