Eon Next didn’t pay my Alternative Fuel Payment

Well, I suppose it’s not surprising that Eon Next failed to pay my £200 Alternative Fuel Payment, after all, their Customer Service is practically non-existant. I don’t have a gas meter, having had it removed a good few years ago when they decided to introduce daily standing charges. Being off the “gas grid” entitles me to the £200 one off payment from the Government, but, having sent numerous emails to Eon Next, nothing has happened.

If you’re in the same boat as me, you’ll need to apply online via the Government website. As I type, applications are not yet open, so you’ll have to keep checking back to the site and apply once the online application form becomes available. The website address of the .gov site is… https://www.gov.uk/get-help-energy-bills/alternative-fuels

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