The Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems and the TUC couldn’t give a toss about small businesses in the UK

Today, on Twitter we’re seeing a campaign by the TUC for a minimum wage of £15. They do, however, qualify this by stating “by 2030”, but still, it’s obvious thatContinue readingThe Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems and the TUC couldn’t give a toss about small businesses in the UK

Small Business energy is NOT capped, inflation WILL be 15% (or higher) and hundreds of thousands of businesses WILL go bust in the next few months

I’ve heard many, many politicians banging on about “freezing” energy prices, some want “nationalisation”, most blame “Putin”, but I have yet to hear any politician address the acute problems facingContinue readingSmall Business energy is NOT capped, inflation WILL be 15% (or higher) and hundreds of thousands of businesses WILL go bust in the next few months

UK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses

The UK Government already offers relief to help big business with their energy costs. They call these businesses “energy intensive industries”. They have just announced further measures to help theseContinue readingUK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses

Rishi Sunak has done nothing to help small businesses with their energy bills

Naseem Shah, Labour MP for Bradford West, recently asked Rishi Sunak, the (now former) Chancellor of the Exchequer, what he was doing to help her consituent whose business energy billContinue readingRishi Sunak has done nothing to help small businesses with their energy bills