EMERGENCY: We need a plan to FREEZE the unit cost of electricity and gas to domestic and business users

Last week, Liberal Democrat Leader, Ed Davey came up with a plan to freeze the unit price of gas and electricity paid by UK consumers, while Ex Prime Minister GordonContinue readingEMERGENCY: We need a plan to FREEZE the unit cost of electricity and gas to domestic and business users

UK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses

The UK Government already offers relief to help big business with their energy costs. They call these businesses “energy intensive industries”. They have just announced further measures to help theseContinue readingUK Government offers relief to big business on energy while doing nothing for small businesses

It is not the energy crisis that will kill the old and vulnerable this winter, it’s the hysteria happening right now.

The facts of the energy crisis are that the average dual fuel bill for gas and electricity will, in October 2022, be double that paid by folk before April 2022.Continue readingIt is not the energy crisis that will kill the old and vulnerable this winter, it’s the hysteria happening right now.

It’s obvious that Sunak’s £400 “universal assistance” was yet another ill considered action

In April, Portugal and Spain requested permission from the EU to cap the price of wholesale natural gas around the 40 Euro mark. The EU agreed the action and theContinue readingIt’s obvious that Sunak’s £400 “universal assistance” was yet another ill considered action