After many years of using Virgin Media broadband, I switched to Grain Full Fibre a couple of weeks ago. I’m able to leave Virgin Media at any time as I have a basic contract which only requires thirty days notice. The broadband with Virgin Media is around 300mbps, continually drops out, and I pay £55.25 a month, but have just received notice that the monthly price is due to increase by £7 to £62.25. As I say, I’ve only ever had broadband with Virgin Media, no phone or other “add ons”.
So, I gave notice on 30th January 2023. I rang Virgin Media and told them I was giving thirty days notice, this was recorded as a “broadband order” on the Virgin Media website (you get a personal area to log in to). I did consider writing to the company, but it seemed a bit long winded. Having given thirty days notice, my contract expires on 1st March 2023. I did receive a phone call from a harassed minion who made a weak attempt at changing my mind. Sorry fella, no deal, I’m already gone!
I pay Virgin Media by Direct Debit and my statement always shows billing from the 26th of the month to the 25th of the following month, and, while I usually don’t bother using my online account area on Virgin Media’s website, I did make a point of checking in every day to make sure my final bill was accurate. After a few days, a new bill popped up in my online account showing that £55.25 would be deducted by Direct Debit on 2nd March 2023, the statement showed charges for broadband between 26th February 2023 and 25th March 2023. I found this odd as my contract terminated on 1st March 2023. How could Virgin Media bill me for a service they weren’t providing?
So, I complained and was told that the bill would be adjusted on 1st March 2023 and credit my account with £46 and some pence. I was a bit concerned that this wouldn’t actually happen and, Virgin Media would take £55.25 then credit me the £46 odd when they felt like it. I did some googling and found a story from one Virgin Media Customer who had hundreds taken out of their bank account by Direct Debit and then had a credit paid by check a couple of months later. I also found the official blurb from Virgin Media regarding terminations…
“If you pay by Direct Debit, we’ll finalise all charges and cancel your payments as soon as your disconnection has been processed. Please don’t cancel your Direct Debit before your account has been settled. If your account is in credit, the amount will be refunded to you 45 days from your disconnection date (we need this time for your account to be updated with any additional charges or credits once your account has been closed).”
So, what Virgin Media are stating is… Even though your contract is ended, we’ll pretend it hasn’t and bill you as normal. If we owe you any cash, we’ll make a credit to your bank account within 45 days. In fact, Virgin Media want the notice period to last 75 days (30 + 45), but as that’s not allowed, they choose to confuse their customers into believing that there is still some sort of moral, or even legal obligation, once the contract has terminated.
Of course there IS a legal obligation between Virgin Media and its former customers. If you owe Virgin Media you have to pay them, that’s the law, but, as to keeping your Direct Debit open, that is pure nonsense and has no basis whatsoever in law as the contract is now terminated. So, I cancelled my Direct Debit and made a complaint to Virgin Media, informing them that their bill was wrong and I would pay them only what I owe which is £9.21 for a few days broadband. Once I receive a proper bill, they’ll get paid, until that happens, they get nothing.
Is this a trivial matter? Well, it could be viewed that way of course, but, what if a million folk were in the same position as me. That’s £55 million in Virgin Media’s account earning interest. Nice work if you can get it, and to be honest, how many people are actually questioning this shady business practice?
UPDATE: Having cancelled my Direct Debit, I’m now told that my Final Bill will be posted to me a couple of days after disconnection. The Final Bill will be about £9.21 if there are no further charges to add.